1. Improve Problem Solving Skills
Practice your problem-solving skills in everyday life with activities like puzzles, brain games, crossword puzzles, chess, checkers, etc. Being able to see problems from different angles will improve your programming skills by default.
2. Read More and Often
A big part of any development job is a lot of reading, whether it's the documentation for a tech stack, stack overflow, tech white papers or other sources. You will have to be able to quickly read the material and pull out the info needed for your solution.
3. Become a Search Engine Pro
There's a strategy to effective googling. Leveraging Boolean search practices will get you better search results when you're looking for help online.Boolean Google Search Tips
4. Patiently Read Through Errors
When your code isn't working, instead of continuing to try random changes to your code, take the time to look at the error messages and research each error. Then, you will be able to make appropriate and strategic changes for the errors occurring.
5. Squad Up
For whatever tech stack you're pursuing, there is a community somewhere in the world developing and growing in the same languages and frameworks. Find your squad with Slack, Telegram, Discord, Reddit or other developer communities.
6. Write It Down, Make It Real
When you're learning a new programming language, it's really good to take the time to write down the syntax by hand, before typing it. Through muscle memory, it's going to stick in your brain a lot more easily than just typing it.
7. Teach It to Beat It
Challenge yourself to present your learnings at a local meetup or tech conference to force yourself to learn something to a new level. Whether you're a beginner or advanced, you have something to share, and people want to listen.
8. Hack Your Heart Away
In your learning journey, sign up for hackathons and join a team of like-minded people to compete and win prizes, while also upskilling. Being immersed in this environment will help you to learn so many new skills and gain new confidence.
9. Paired Programming
Try pair programming with other developers, who are learning the same tech stacks to keep yourselves accountable and push each other in your goals.
10. Code Reviews
Ask for feedback from other developers and ask them to review your code to discover opportunities to improve your code.
11. Continuously Learn
Never become satisfied with your level of knowledge of any tech stack. Continuously look for opportunities to practice the fundamentals and learn new things through tutorials, lectures, labs, etc.
12. Get Gritty
It's not easy learning something new, and you're going to have to be comfortable with feeling dumb sometimes and not knowing the answers. Develop grit and push through these moments to become better at programming. Everyone has to start from somewhere.